Saturday, March 15, 2008

We'll have to wait another day to get to Bogota!

Well, we didn't get to Bogota today! We were diverted on our way to Atlanta and missed the plane to Bogota by 20 minutes! I was so bummed. The plan was already delayed but they couldn't have waited 20 minutes for us to get off the plane. We were on the runway waiting for a gate to open when the plan to Bogota took off. We weren't the only ones who missed the flight. There was a group of 17 going on a mission to Bogota that also were on our flight from Dallas. We did get rebooked for tomorrow at 5:00 pm. This means we will have spent 22 hours in the Atlanta airport. Yipee!!!!

You know what is ironic. We live in tornado alley in Wichita Falls, Texas. We have been there for over a year and never had a tornado. We fly to Atlanta and what do they have! A tornado! Good thing we booked our original flight to give us an extra day just in case of bad weather. Thankfully, we are still on schedule to meet our son on Monday!


Genece said...

Wow, a bit frustrating, yes definitely... but you know that God has brought you this far and He will definitely see you through! Keep the faith and know that tomorrow will bring you so much closer to that BIG day! Keeping you in our prayers! Be safe!

Sherri said...

Well, as I write you should be on the plane! I hope your 22 hours at the airport wasn't too draining. You'll be in my prayers as you meet your son tomorrow! Also praying for a good flight.

God bless,


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Keep the faith! God goes before you! Will be following along as you go! Gotcha is almost here!! Yay! German!!!