Friday, March 28, 2008


Today, German became a Middaugh officially. Yes, we have the final adoption decree! We broke a record. It only took 2 days to get our adoption done. We are still in shock. On Tuesday, the 25th, we had our integracion and were told about 2 weeks for the courts to process. Well, we got a phone call last night to say the court in Gacheta was done with our paperwork and John needed to go there today to sign the final decree. He also was able to get the corrected birth certificate with Middaugh as the last name. He had to leave at 6:00 am for the 2 hour drive and it only took 1 and a half hours to sign the paperwork and get the birth certificate. They were back in Bogota by 1200 in which German and I had to meet him at the Colombian passport office. We were there less than an hour and left with his passport in hand. At this point, I am still in shock. I was preparing myself to be here at least 2 more weeks. Not that it would be a bad thing but with John not being here to help me, it would have been a little difficult since German listens to John more than me. After the passport office, we went back to El Refugio to get Tiffany so we could go to Archie's for pizza. We had planned on that since Monday since John and Tiff were leaving and we didn't know how long it would be before the four of us would be eating together again. After pizza, we went to the store for batteries and gum (for the plane ride). We had to be back at the hotel for 4:00 so we could go get the physical done. Yes, we had an appointment at 4:30 for the physical on a Friday. Can you believe it? I don't think you could find a doctors office in the States open that late on a Friday. At least none at any place we have lived so far. Needless to say, we are completely done with the Colombian side of the adoption and the only thing left for us is the US Consulates office for the visa. German and I will be leaving either Tuesday or Wednesday. I am ready to start our new life in the US but I am also sad for German to be leaving what he has known for the first 7 years of his life.


Tracy said...

All I have to say is WOO HOO!!!!

Beth said...

Oh My Word! This is awesome news! Congrats on a quick return to the states!

janine said...

That is absolutely amazing! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Sherri said...

WOW! That's exciting (and amazing!) news! Is German excited too? The doctor's a trip isn't he? He kept Isaac's diaper off during the whole exam, I was thinking, he's crazy (Isaac was a good boy though!).

We hope you enjoy the time this weekend. If you get a chance walk to the market on Sunday to see some neat crafts, and enjoy the Sunday cyclovia!

Take care, and so happy for you!


Jennifer said...

Wow! That was SOOOO fast!! Congrats!! I'm SO happy for you guys. Glad you will be home soon as well, but enjoy as much of Colombia as you can while you are still there. I have withdrawls!


Genece said...

That was a shocker as I just pulled up the site to check in on you guys! I was expecting to learn of other new and different foods you've recently eaten and/or that the kids might be approaching a little boredom or such, but WOW, you've been really busy!! What great news and super FAST!! At least you have the weekend to enjoy a little of what Bogota has to offer! With the bulk of things done now, you can relax and take it all in. Enjoy! And a huge congratulations goes out to your family!

David and Sheila Derr said...

Oh wow, you guys!!!! This is such a wonderful suprise!

Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Wow! that was fast! Congratulations!