Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Integracion Complete!

Hello everyone! Well, integracion is complete. Yeah! We can now continue with the court process. We were told today that our court is not in Bogota like originally told. It is in Gacheta which is where German is from. Our lawyer is going there tomorrow to start the paperwork. During the intergracion today, we were asked a lot of questions. The interview was done by the psychologist. She asked questions to all four of us. She also said it would take at least 2 weeks to complete that process so it doesn't look like German and I will be coming home by next week after all. John and Tiffany are leaving Saturday so that will give me and German a little more one on one time. He is doing much better today with listening. Last night, he threw a terrible tantrum that lasted almost an hour but we didn't give in. Today is a lazy day. We have just stayed here at the B&B because it has looked like rain all day. Hopefully, we can venture out again tomorrow.


janine said...

Yeah! Congrats on getting through the integracion! Hope things continue to go smoothly for you all! You are a beautiful family and German is a little cutie!!

Karen said...

Congratulations on making it through the first week! Now it's back to just waiting. It will be over before you know it tho. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on week one!! You're doing a great job with German! Hang in there!!!

Tracy said...

It seems like German is adjusting well. I think the tantrums are definatly a normal part of the adjustment period, and even kids who have had structure their whole lives throw fits, I know mine do!!! You are doing a great job by not giving in, it will help him learn how things work and in the long run give him more security than he has ever felt before, knowing that you are in control and taking care of everything.