Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First major melt down!

Daddy and Brian played their first game of catch.
We were convinced this was Brian's first time getting a bath. He was so excited.
Tiffany and Brian at Lucy Park.
Poor Angel doesn't get any rest now.

Well, it has been almost 2 weeks that we have been home and Brian finally had a major melt down yesterday. We knew it would be coming but we didn't know when. It started when John asked him to put on his socks and shoes so they could go in the backyard and play. That is all it took. Brian just like freaked out. He screamed for a long time. We tried everything to calm him down but to no avail. It only lasted for ohhhh about 2 hours. John and I took turns holding him and talking to him but nothing was going to satisfy him. It was almost time for dinner and we thought what a bear this is going to be but suprisingly, he sat down and ate like nothing happened. I guess there will be things we won't understand that he does. We just know that we have to be there for him and let him know that no matter what, we are not leaving him.

Okay, enough about that. Brian is doing much better with the chicken pox. He is not itching anymore and most of them are scabbed over. We took him to a park this afternoon to ride his bike. We figured everyone would be in school and the poor kid needed to get out of the house. We were the only ones there and Brian had a good time. We also played some baseball. Brian is using more English already. We go back and forth with English and Spanish. Everyday, we have him sit down to learn his ABC's, colors and numbers. He is doing much better. He can say over half his ABC's in order and is counting up to 16. He is having a little difficulty with the colors orange and red but is doing much better with the other basic colors. He knows his shapes also but not in English. He is not as far behind as we were told.


The Jensen Family said...

Your blog is a great reminder that baby steps are everything in the adoption world. It must be so hard not really knowing what triggered his melt down but what awesome parents you were to just hold him tight. He is slowly learning how much you are there for him. Keep up the great work!


Genece said...

I'm curious how Brian enjoyed playing catch? I can't wait for the snow to melt outside so we can go outside to play catch. Fabian who is now 10 has repeatedly vocalized he has no desire to play baseball, but I'm convinced with a little coaxing he might enjoy it. He likes soccer but really he's not very sports-minded.
Even more surpising is that Karen's been begging to play basketball.

And yes, you are right, our little Colombians sure do love their baths!