Saturday, March 22, 2008

Some pictures of Bogota!

Here are some pictures of Bogota. I would have been able to get better pictures if we weren't in a moving vehicle. Some of Bogota is very nice but a lot of it that we had seen is very poor looking. I think everytime we have been out, someone has approached us for money. It is sad to see children out begging. You want to give to every child but you know you can't. They say to be careful if you do give money because once you do it, it will always be expected. Bogota is in much better shape than we we had expected. They actually have several places that are familiar to the US, like McDonalds, Burger King, Dominoes, Quiznos and Pizza Hut. We are going to try Pizza Hut tomorrow for lunch because that is the only meal not provided during an entire week.

1 comment:

sqdnmom said...

Good thing you're not spoiling that kid. You don't need two kids with an ego as big as Tiffany's! With both of them well-loved and secure, you're just gonna be run ragged. I'm so glad things are going so well. Congrats to you all!
