Brian graduated from kindergarden. He is going to first grade. YEAH! He will be one year behind but they said if he catches up, they will move him ahead.
My mom and niece came to visit from Pennsylvania. Brian hugged my mom right away. He has talked to her on the phone several times so he was really excited for her to come. He would cross off the days on the calendar. They were here for 12 days. Tiffany when back with them for 2 weeks and then she is going to West Virginia for 11 days before we head up to get her. We are going to be driving 17 hrs to get there. Hope Brian does okay. He has gotten car sick a couple of times since we have been in the states. I guess we will take lots of garbage bags!
For Father's Day, John wanted to go to the waterpark. Brian loves the water. Now he doesn't want to stay in the kiddie area anymore because as he said "THat is for babies!" We did manage to get him to play a little while in the kiddie area so we could take a break.
I finally gave in to John. He wanted to get a pool for the backyard. I wanted one but they are not allowed in our housing area. The housing area has a pool but it is not opened yet. THey are hoping to have it open by 4th of July. Several other families have gotten one and the kids would just stare at them swimming. At least if the tell us we have to take it down, by now, we have definitely gotten our monies worth. The kids were in it almost everyday for the past month.
The only other thing that has really gone on lately is that we have finished our 1st post placement. I just have to get the pictures together and wait for a copy to get back from the Sec of State and that will done for another 3 months. It was a pretty short visit. Brian was great and answered her questions. Tiffany told her how she loved having a brother but that he does annoy her sometimes. It was a bit funny the way she said it. Well, I guess that is all for now. Brian is wanting to go to the park so I guess I should get going. He is a bit lonely without Tiffany here so John and I are trying to keep him busy.
Wow -17 hours - that's a long car ride :-). Nataly got car sick when she first came home, too - hadn't ridden in cars much. She's ALOT better now.
He looks like he's going great - love the pictures!
I'll be praying, for your sakes, that Brian not get car sick! That has got to be one thing I am very thankful for in that my kiddos have never experienced car sickness! Karen usually falls asleep just going down the road, and Fabian loves to travel and see the sights so he's not so quick to nod off. The baby doesn't like long trips and has been known to scream out in protest after a day-long flight from Alaska to Dallas followed by a 2 hour drive. At any rate, not too bad for a little traveller.
Love seeing the pictures and hearing of your updates!
Brian is such a handsome little guy. Brian..congratulations on your kindergarten graduation. Time really does fly. We will celebrate our 2nd gotcha day with Angelica in a couple of weeks. We had the pool "fight" to but our yard is not fenced in so the city settled it for us. Instead we comprimised on a huge inflatable water slide. Love the pictures - enjoy your summer.
mami to a Brian too (Guatemala) & Angelica (Colombia)
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