The buffalo were only about 20 feet away running by like we weren't even there.

This was Brian's favorite part. He loved walking in the water once we convinced him it was okay to wear his sneakers in the water.

I can't believe 3 weeks has gone by already. It feels like we just got home a few days ago. Things are going good. Brian is on his 5th day of school. He has a hard time getting up in the morning but if you wake him up by playing with him, he is fine. His favorite thing to eat for breakfast is rice with butter, sugar and milk. We let him pick what he wants for lunch as long as it has a main meal and fruit or vegetable. He loves jelly sandwiches but no peanut butter. Tiffany eats only peanut butter sandwiches with no jelly. Every day, Brian asks to have pizza for dinner. Of course, we have to tell him no but he tries.
This past weekend, we went hiking in the Wichita Mountains. We had a picnic. It was beautiful. The buffalo roam freely there and while we were eating, a bunch of buffalo came running by. There were only about 20 feet away from us. It was amazing. They definitely are used to humans being around because they just ran on by like we weren't even there. On our way back down the mountains, Tiff jumped off some rocks and twisted her ankle. Daddy had to carry her about 3/4 of a mile on his shoulders down the mountain because she couldn't walk on it. We had to take her to the ER the next day to get x-rays and they said she sprained it. She was on crutches for 3 days and is doing okay now.
Well, I am not convinced putting Brian with a teacher just because she speaks spanish was the best thing to do. For the past 4 days, when I picked Brian up, I asked how he did. Well, yesterday, she said since he is so far behind, she had him do something else well the other kids worked on phonics. She said she didn't think he could spell words with the sh sound and then walked away from me. I felt like it was too much of a bother for her. It looks like we are going to have to have a meeting with the school. We were also told the ESL teacher would call us to discuss what we need to do and that was 2 weeks ago and nothing yet. We get the feeling that they feel since it is so close to school ending why bother to teach him anything now. We are working with him in the evenings with sight words and the alphabet but after being in school for 8 hours, he really doesn't want to do it again at night. I honestly wouldn't want to either but we have explained to him that he has to learn his alphabet. I think I am going to get the Hooked on Phonics computer program to help him. He loves using the computer and that might get him more motivated. We will have all summer to work with him so he will be ready for 1st grade in the fall.