Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another post-placement done!
We believe Brian still has not yet gotten comfortable knowing that he will have food the next day. He tends to eat alot still. We will finish up a meal and about 30 minutes later, he wants to eat again. He also always wants to have something to drink. We just took him for his 6 month check up. The peditrician tested him for juvenile diabetes but thankfully that came back negative. She said he is just a growing boy. He is healthy and seems to be progessing normally. Brian is still wetting the bed though. He goes through spurts where he will be dry for a week and then all of a sudden wet the bed again for several days. The doc gave us some info on bedwetting alarms and they also gave us some medicine. We are only going to give him the medicine if he sleeps somewhere other than at home. I would rather wake up every morning at 2 a.m. and take him to the bathroom than put him on medicine. We will see what works best.
Brian has started to talk about his life in Colombia. His first outing was at home in West Virginia. We were all sitting around the fireplace with the lights out just enjoying each others company. All of a sudden, Brian starts talking about a scary time in Colombia in the dark with a man and a knife. We were shocked. We didn't get any information on Brian except that his mother neglected him. We were also told that the father wasn't in the picture. I am happy that he feels comfortable enough to share his thoughts with us. Not everything he tells us is bad. He did say his room had only a bed and no toys and a little bit of clothes but that he missed his room. He also has asked if his mother would be coming to Texas to see him. He also will occassionally mention his brother but has not talked about his sisters. We take each situation as they come. He isn't showing any signs of anger, resentment or withdrawl so for right now, we just listen. There may be a point in time that he may need a psychologist to talk to and we will certainly get him any help he may need. As for everything else, we are doing great.
Tiffany started 7th grade and Brian started 1st grade. Tiff is having a hard time adjusting to 7th grade though. Everything is not spoon fed like it has been and she actually has to take her own notes and be responsible for knowing when tests are and homework is due. It is a bit of a change from 6th grade. Brian is doing great. He has learning many words in English. Sometimes it is still hard to understand what he is saying but we work through it. I am very proud of both my kids.
Here is Brian on his first day of 1st grade. He was ready 30 minutes before we had to leave and kept telling me to come on that I was too slow. He was really excited to get to see his friends again.
Brian is playing soccer. He is on the Earthquakes. Learning to play as a team has turned out to be the hardest thing for him. Actually, all the kids are having this issue. They all want to kick it in the goal. Their coach is doing great with teaching them how to pass though.
Can you tell who the family clown is? We always have to take several pictures before getting one that is "good." Brian thinks it's funny to make faces or pick on his sister when taking pictures. We were trying to get this pic for our last post-placement and he was making sure it wasn't going to happen.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Where has the time gone?
Brian graduated from kindergarden. He is going to first grade. YEAH! He will be one year behind but they said if he catches up, they will move him ahead.
My mom and niece came to visit from Pennsylvania. Brian hugged my mom right away. He has talked to her on the phone several times so he was really excited for her to come. He would cross off the days on the calendar. They were here for 12 days. Tiffany when back with them for 2 weeks and then she is going to West Virginia for 11 days before we head up to get her. We are going to be driving 17 hrs to get there. Hope Brian does okay. He has gotten car sick a couple of times since we have been in the states. I guess we will take lots of garbage bags!
For Father's Day, John wanted to go to the waterpark. Brian loves the water. Now he doesn't want to stay in the kiddie area anymore because as he said "THat is for babies!" We did manage to get him to play a little while in the kiddie area so we could take a break.
I finally gave in to John. He wanted to get a pool for the backyard. I wanted one but they are not allowed in our housing area. The housing area has a pool but it is not opened yet. THey are hoping to have it open by 4th of July. Several other families have gotten one and the kids would just stare at them swimming. At least if the tell us we have to take it down, by now, we have definitely gotten our monies worth. The kids were in it almost everyday for the past month.
The only other thing that has really gone on lately is that we have finished our 1st post placement. I just have to get the pictures together and wait for a copy to get back from the Sec of State and that will done for another 3 months. It was a pretty short visit. Brian was great and answered her questions. Tiffany told her how she loved having a brother but that he does annoy her sometimes. It was a bit funny the way she said it. Well, I guess that is all for now. Brian is wanting to go to the park so I guess I should get going. He is a bit lonely without Tiffany here so John and I are trying to keep him busy.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Brian is Officially BRIAN ARLEY MIDDAUGH!
I have to tell this story. Throughout the years, we have given Tiffany different nicknames. SHe has been called pumpkin, tiffbug, peanut, princess and boo. Our latest name for her has been Boo Bear. We have probably been calling her that for 3 years now. Well, Brian had his own take on it. At first, he was calling Tiffany, "Tiffa" but now, he has decided to call her Boo Berries. It is so cute especially with his spanish accent. Tiffany says she is embarrassed and doesn't want him to call her that but when you look at her, she just has this big smile across her face. It is like she doesn't want to admit that she likes the fact that her brother has a nickname for her. We told her to come up with a nickname for him and she wanted to call him "Melon Head" because his head is big. We told her she had to be nice so she is working on his nickname.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Another 2 weeks gone by!
Here is my beautiful Tiffany. She is doing better at being a big sister!
Brian had cowboy day at school. We almost bought him the holster with the guns but then realized that probably wouldn't be a good idea to take them to school.
He insisted on having his picture taken this way. Toooo cute!
You know, I made a promise to myself that I would update on here at least once a week and I didn't think it would be that hard. Well, it is. WIth going back to work and taking care of 2 kids now, having spare time is a rarity. As for what has gone on in those 2 weeks, let me see... On Mother's Day, the kids and John took me to Dallas to go to the zoo and eat at one of my favorit restaurants (Macaroni Grill). We had an awesome time. I had told John what I wanted for Mother's Day and for once, he actually heard me. I really wanted to get away and do something special with just the 4 of us. A lot of other mothers must have had the same idea because the zoo was packed. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't have asked for better.
Brian is doing great in school. He came home with green on his calendar all this week! He has started learning the days of the week and will ask if he has school on that day. His teacher suggested he go to summer school but unfortunately, they don't start that until July 24th and we will be gone for at least 2 of those weeks. We promised we would work hard with him this summer. We did talk to the Sylvia Learning Center but they said they couldn't really help him. THey said it doesn't sound like he has a learning disablility. I was happy to hear them say he didn't have a learning disablility but I was also hoping they could still help him. That is when they told me they don't have a Spanish teacher. Brian doens't need to learn SPanish! John and I I will continue working with him like we are and several people have said they would tutor him so we make take someone up on their offer.
Thursday, we got a wonderful letter from Tiffany's school. SHe is getting an award! They haven't said what it is for. We have to wait until the ceremony. I am so proud of her. Hopefully, we will make it back from Dallas in time. The ceremony is May 21st! The same day we do Brian's readoption so Tiffany wasn't going to be in school that day. We have to be at court at 0745 and the ceremony is at 1:30. Our problem is the hearing and her school are 2 hours apart. Please pray that we make it to her ceremony on time!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
One month down, many more to come!
We have some wonderful friends here in Texas. First, let me start with my (Patty's) friends at work. They are awesome. I went back to work on Monday and they had planned a lunch. It was international foods and it was great. Of course, I over ate but I couldn't help it. Well, as I was sitting down eating my lunch, they whole staff came in and gave me a card and a big truck for Brian. As if that wasn't enough, the back of the truck was full of money! Brian had a great time with the money and the truck. They also gave Tiffany a gift so she wouldn't be left out. I work with a great group of people!
John works with a great bunch of people too! They had a welcome home Brian get together. We had cake and icecream. Brian ate 2 pieces of cake and I think he had a third helping of icecream. He loves sweets!!!!!!! No that is not all that we feed him but I think if it was his choice, he would eat icecream and chocolate for every meal. Here is the cake they had for us.
Along with the cake, they gave us a card from the whole staff. In it were some gift cards for Brian. Well, we decided we would take him to ToysR'Us and he could get what ever he wanted (to an extent). He had a blast. I think he was a bit over whelmed but he had a blast. Here is a picture of what he bought. Thanks to all of you at the Chapel!
Just a warning! Don't buy the markers that are made for kids and the bathtub. Brian had an awesome time making this artwork. Mommy and daddy had a terrible time getting it off the wall. We even used bleach to get it off and there are still signs that someone had fun in the tub. I guess we will just have to keep scrubbing it and maybe it will eventually come off!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
3 weeks home!
This was Brian's favorite part. He loved walking in the water once we convinced him it was okay to wear his sneakers in the water.
Friday, April 18, 2008
First day of school!
Brian couldn't wait to go to school. He was waiting outside for me to hurry up so he could get there.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
First major melt down!
We were convinced this was Brian's first time getting a bath. He was so excited.
Tiffany and Brian at Lucy Park.
Poor Angel doesn't get any rest now.
Well, it has been almost 2 weeks that we have been home and Brian finally had a major melt down yesterday. We knew it would be coming but we didn't know when. It started when John asked him to put on his socks and shoes so they could go in the backyard and play. That is all it took. Brian just like freaked out. He screamed for a long time. We tried everything to calm him down but to no avail. It only lasted for ohhhh about 2 hours. John and I took turns holding him and talking to him but nothing was going to satisfy him. It was almost time for dinner and we thought what a bear this is going to be but suprisingly, he sat down and ate like nothing happened. I guess there will be things we won't understand that he does. We just know that we have to be there for him and let him know that no matter what, we are not leaving him.
Okay, enough about that. Brian is doing much better with the chicken pox. He is not itching anymore and most of them are scabbed over. We took him to a park this afternoon to ride his bike. We figured everyone would be in school and the poor kid needed to get out of the house. We were the only ones there and Brian had a good time. We also played some baseball. Brian is using more English already. We go back and forth with English and Spanish. Everyday, we have him sit down to learn his ABC's, colors and numbers. He is doing much better. He can say over half his ABC's in order and is counting up to 16. He is having a little difficulty with the colors orange and red but is doing much better with the other basic colors. He knows his shapes also but not in English. He is not as far behind as we were told.
Friday, April 11, 2008
One week home!
Even though Brian will be 8 in October, they want him to do kindergarden for the rest of this year just to get him used to being in school and not to overwhelm him. In August he will start 1st grade which is what I was hoping for. He will only be a grade behind according to US standards. He is a quick learner and it is easier to step him up if needed rather than bring him back a grade.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't wait to show him his new house and room. Well, German was more excited about the dog. He loves Angel. The first night, he kept calling Angel to come sleep with him. She did for a little while and then went to her normal sleeping spot with Tiffany. Tiffany was a bit jealous at first because Angel went to German. On Thursday, German and I slept in late. John picked us up after lunch so we could go register him with the military and get his insurance started.
Of course, all the paperwork we had was in Spanish so we had to get his birth certificate translated into English before they would allow us to register him. After that, we went to the hospital to get him enrolled in the healthcare system. We then made an appt with pediatrics. Since German had an infection when we met him, we wanted to make sure it was cleared up. Well, they did his physical, lab work and started his immunizations right away. I was so worried. He had only been here 2 days and had to go through this. German was a real trooper. He laughed during his bloodwork. They had someone there who could speak Spanish and that helped him a lot. The immunizations was a different story. They gave him 5 shots and he still isn't done. Since we didn't have any medical records on him, he has to get everything. We thought we would be really mad at us but they gave him some lollipops and he walked out of there with a huge smile.
Friday night, we went to eat and to the store. He was really excited. We let him pick out 2 toys at the store and he was happy. German does like to touch everything though and then he will say "WOWWWWWWW!" really loud. We know it is just because he hasn't been exposed to the things we have. I hope we are not putting too much on him yet. This weekend, we are just relaxing and playing at home. Tiffany is sick so she has been in bed all day. Tonight we are going to try family night. Our tradition had been that every Friday, we would order pizza and watch a movie. Since we didn't do it last night, we are going to try it tonight. I am hoping to give him one more week home with me before I have to register him for school. He wants to go because he sees Tiffany going and yesterday, we picked her up from the bus stop.
I have so much to do before I go back to work and he has to start school but I can't find the motivation to do it. I just want to spend time with him playing and doing what ever. I want to give him a chance to be a kid and get used to our family. Well, I will write again in a few days to let you all know how it's been going.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
About German revised!
Fruit, Soft boiled eggs, electronics, Leap Frog (calls it Atari), transformers, drawing, tracing and coloring, music, brushing his teeth
Fish, spaghetti (hope he likes it they way we make it), being told "NO", going to bed, being woken up in the morning
Hope this one posts better. Have a good night!
About German
Likes: Dislikes:
Fruit Fish
Soft Boiled Eggs Spaghetti (hopefully he will learn to like)
Brushing teeth Being told "NO!"
Electronics Going to bed
Leap Frog (he calls it an Atari) Being woken up in the morning
Drawing & tracing
As time goes on, of course we will learn alot more especially when he is exposed to US foods. The Colombian foods are bland. We like spicy food so hopefully, he will learn to like. German is working on his numbers up to 10 and his alphabet. It is a little difficult to work on anything here with all the other kids around. He just wants to play. His manners are getting much better. We have taught him to say please, thank you and excuse me.
I am thankful I will have more time in the states to help him adjust before I have to go back to work. I took 6 weeks off because we were told it would take about 4 weeks in Colombia. Then, I would have 2 weeks with him at home. Since it didn't take that long for the adoption, I will have about 3 and a half weeks with him at home.
We will have to get him to the doctor, his immunizations up to date and registered for school. We have no medical on him so in the US, he will be getting a lot of shots. During the physical here, he weighed 52 lbs and the doctor said he needed to lose weight! He is wearing a size 6-7 pants and small shirts. Well, I am going to get ready for one last adventure out before we leave so I will write more later.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My trip to Colombia
The ride to Gacheta was beautiful. THe weather is hot. The food is pretty good. I liked when we went to Archie's Pizza. I made my own pizza and then ate some of my mom and dad's pizza. It was awesome. We eat most of our meals at our hotel. I ate rice with stuff that looked like worms to me. The ladies at El Refugio make good chicken. We had waffles with tuna on it and it was good. I didn't want to eat it at first so I tried a little bite and liked it. There is a fruit that when you open it, it looks like fish eggs. It wasn't very good. My mom didn't want to eat it because she was scared to. I am having fun but I can't wait to go home. Me and daddy are going home on Saturday but mommy and German will stay here until they're done.
Love, Tiffany
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Integracion Complete!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday in Bogota
We have had a hard time with German the last couple of day with listening. He does not like to be told no! We have been told that they are told yes to about everything up to the age of 7 or so and then the parents make the switch to telling them no. Between us telling him no and the language barrier it is pretty tough for all of us right now. He has actually started to throw tantrums when we tell him no, but calms down after a while. It has worn on us a little, but we expected some of what is going on. We all just have to have patience to work through it.
After lunch today, one of the women here in the B&B bought candy for all the kids and hid it out back in the yard. The kids had to search the lawn, bushes and trees for the candy. I think they all had a great time. Of course the amount of chocolate some of them ate will keep them up all night, hahaha!
German getting ready to dig into his egg.
Tiffany already finishing up her candy.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Some pictures of Bogota!
A Day Out!
Tiffany and German up on a huge fountain. I was very nice.
Tiffany, German, Daniela and Julio.
Having fun on a ship!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Another Great Day
John, Tiffany and German on the swingset out back of El Refugio
Please note that no one was harmed during the filiming of this video, hahahaha! You'll understand after watching this. By the way, he got up laughing so hard we all just about fell over.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This morning, German got in bed with Tiffany so they could watch cartoons. He can't see the tv from his bed.
This was taken in the back yard of El Refugio. They have a swing set and a few tables with chairs. The kids have a great time.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Day Two
As soon as we are done eating, German insists on brushing his teeth right away. Don't get me wrong, I think that is wonderful, but even before he is done eating, he is asking to brush his teeth. He will not call Tiffany by her name. He insists on calling her hermana (sister). When he wants to do something and we tell him no, he will hug and kiss you lots. He is really affectionate but you can tell when he is using it try to get his way. Our major incident happened when he and Tiffany were playing. They were tickling and wrestling with each other. Well, he bit Tiffany. He didn't break skin and he didn't do it in a mean way but none the less. We made him sit. It was a little tough for him to understand. The first thing he did after we told him no and that was bad, he started hugging and kissing us. It was hard not to give in but we stood our ground. He didn't want to sit so John had to hold him but after just a few minutes, he sat there until we told him he could get up. We think he understood.
We ventured out to the mall today to get German a pair of sneakers. It turns out, his sneakers were 2 sizes too small. Poor little guy had been wearing these sneakers for who knows how long. It was a little rough at the store trying to ask for help. We had a Spanish translation book that had the expressions we needed to use but they still didn't totally understand.
Oh, I forgot, yesterday when we met him, they gave us a bag of medicine. Apparently, he has an infection and is on an antiobiotic. We have to take him back to a doctor next week to make sure everything is okay. I am so happy that we have him. I know God specifically had him in mind for our family and I couldn't be any prouder to call him my son.
We will post more pictures tomorrow once we get them downloaded. Fortunately, at El Refugio, they have free internet access and we brought our own laptop. They have one for you to use but with 5 other families here, you have to share.
Our first day together as a family
When we got back to El Refugio, we ate lunch and then went for a walk. German would pick up things at the store and when we told him no, he would put them back. I was expecting him to get upset and maybe throw a fit but nothing. Everything he picked up had to do with sweets. He definitely has a sweet tooth. We noticed that when he eats, he will completely clean off his plate. Even if he is full, he will continue eating until everything is gone. We are going to have to do portion control.
Last night, he went to bed with no problem. He slept with a teddy bear that Tiffany gave to him. He also really likes transformers and cars. He is a little small for his age. Thanks to Debbie for all the clothes she gave us. He fits into just about everything. He came with the clothes on his back and that is all. His sneakers are wayyyyyyyyyyyy to small for him. We didn't know that until this morning when we tried to get them on him. I don't know how he even was playing in them yesterday. We are going to go shopping for shoes today. Well, I need to run. They are waiting for me. Thanks for all the wonderful comments!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Here is what we have all been waiting for!
Tiffany and German playing in the room. He was smiling right before I took the pic.
This was when German first walked in the room.
John, Tiffany and German on the playground.
At about 1130 this morning, we were able to meet German. The trip to Gatcheta was worse than driving the roads of West Virginia, but absolutley beautiful. When we arrived, we were taken upstairs to the ICBF office where they brought German to us. He came in the room and immediately hugged Patty. He had a huge smile on his face and was very friendly. He took his gift, a transformer, and a small snickers bar and he was even happier. The trip back was uneventful as he and Patty took a nap. He was great during the car ride and what time he was awake he seemed excited about the car ride. We didn't have to use the barf bags we brought from the airplane. When we got back to El Refugio, we sat down to our first meal together and he ate everything on his plate. He was very hungry. We spent the rest of the day playing and walking around town. We are getting ready to sit down and eat dinner, so we will post a few pictures and then some more information later on. We hope you all enjoy.